Saturday, April 03, 2021

Bitten by the Travel Bug

Traveling soothes the soul... someone said. 

Reasons to travel

It's not so complicated. 
I mean... with the internet, all the Apps and e-payments, it's a lot easier than, say, 10-15 years ago. With the advent of technology, whether it is booking accommodations (hotel or AirBnB) or air tickets, working out itinerary, is at our "finger tips" literally. 

It's good for mental health. 
My trips, it be a short get-away or weeks-long adventure, have always been restorative and even therapeutic. Being away separates me from the source of stress, and away from my daily routine into new settings and surroundings. 

It's an eye-opener. 
When I travel, I have plenty of chances to pick up a foreign language, read about the culture and history of the places I visit, or just relax and enjoy the scenery.

It's a confidence builder. 
After my solo trip to South Korea, I felt instantly more confident. I have grown and know that I can do it by myself. It is do-able. As I learned to plan everything from scratch, I had to make sure that I don't miss out any part of the trip since I will only have myself to depend on. 

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